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Soil Force The Purest 'White Montmorillonite' For Nutrient-Dense Soil

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What is Soil Force?

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It is a natural mineral enhancer of hand-mined crystals. This is one of the purest forms of White Montmorillonite at about 85% pure. Most others claim they are Montmorillonite but are bentonite clay which is about 35% pure, just really a step up from the dirt. As our bodies need calcium, so does the soil. The scientific makeup is (Na, Ca)0.33(Al, Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2 · nH2O. Anything different or less than is considered an impurity.

The second an ounce of White Montmorillonite touches your soil, it activates the garden bed with nutrient-dense minerals of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and more. We deploy it in chunks and nuggets so when watered, the soil slowly absorbs the nutrients. The crystals will turn into a clay-like substance when watered. Like water, it will slowly absorb in the soil for the next several months to naturally enhance your growth.

Yes, when your soil has the proper minerals, your growth becomes healthier.

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